Tailslide's Air Combat Site



From IEN:

Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 14:28:02 -0400
To: [email protected]
From: "Jay Littman, Producer" <[email protected]>
Subject: Pirated software (FreeHost) violation



April 2, 2000

RE: Pirated software (FreeHost) violation

Dear Sir or Madam:

I would like to report a violation of your Acceptable Use Policy. Our award winning online game WarBirds has been posted to the following address on your service:


At this http://tailslide.firelight.dynip.com/?page=http://tailslide.firelight.dynip.com/ww2sim.asp address the developer describes how he has worked his way into our code and is now "offering" this pirated software to anyone who wants to set up and run their own WarBirds server as a FreeHost. WarBirds (http://www16.iencentral.com/warbirds_start.shtml) is our business. The game, enjoyed by hundreds of avid sim enthusiasts, represents a portion of our revenue. The individual, who owns this address should be immediately notified, the contents removed and any other appropriate actions are taken to include termination from your service. If the contents of this address remain on the http://www.fortunecity.com/ site, I have no recourse other than to seek legal advice for proceeding. I realize, that "Tailslide" exercises no control over the content of information passing through http://tailslide.firelight.dynip.com/. Whether it is a matter of illegal use of software or just good business integrity, as an Internet service provider, we trust you will join us in policing these unwanted posting and links. I am available to address any questions you have regarding this matter. I can be reached at this email address ([email protected]) and during the day between 9:00AM and 5:00PM EDT at the following phone number: 919.461.0722, extension 3035.

Please notify me of your actions. I await your response.

Jay Littman

iEntertainment Network
[email protected]

919.461.0722, Extension 3035


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