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Tailslide's Bookstore

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Learn Air Combat from the masters...

Fighter Combat: Tactics and Manouvering
Fighter Combat:
Tactics and Maneuvering

[IMG] Hardcover $27.97
Fighter Combat: Tactics and Maneuvering
by Robert Shaw

"The Air Combat Bible"

Get the book used by the armed forces to train pilots. Contains diagrams and information on performing air combat maneuvers (ACM) going from lead, lag and pure pursuit all the way up to Yo-Yo's and more advanced techniques. Covers tactics for angles fighting, energy fighting as well as multiple aircraft engagements.   A dry read, but a wealth of information. Since computer sims have become more lifelike, this book has become the "edge" that many online combat pilots use.





Black Cross/Red Star :
Vol. 1, Operation Barbarossa 1941

[IMG] Hardcover $39.95
Black Cross/Red Star : Vol. 1, Operation Barbarossa 1941
by Christer Bergstrom, Andrey Mikhailov

The Black Cross/Red Star series is to include at least seven volumes. The first four will be narrative histories that will take readers through the air war over the Eastern Front from start to finish. Each of these volumes will contain at least 150 photos, of which many have never been seen by the reading public.   It just came in the mail and so far this looks like an excellent book.




The Luftwaffe Fighter Force : The View From the Cockpit
The Luftwaffe Fighter Force: The View From the Cockpit

[IMG] Hardcover $23.50
The Luftwaffe Fighter Force: The View From the Cockpit
by Adolf Galland
16 pages of illustrations & maps & diagrams & 6 x 9 & Previously unpublished accounts from German pilots compiled soon after the events This unique compilation of accounts by major figures in Germany's World War II fighter force provides an in-depth look at the Luftwaffe and an analysis of its ultimate failure. Compiled for the USAAF soon after the war, these accounts record the German leaders' views on German and Allied aircraft, operations, tactics, training, technology, aircrew, and more. The legendary Adolf Galland discusses tactics for escorts, fighters, and bombers. Hitschold and Gollob cover ground attacks. Fighter ace Dahl discusses company front attacks and fighter escorts for ships, Bar explains the fighter sweep, Kowalewski the twin-engine fighter force, and Schmid the Luftwaffe's mistakes.

256 pages





Luftwaffe Fighter Aces
Luftwaffe Fighter Aces

[IMG]  Paperback $13.97
           Hardcover $34.95


Luftwaffe Fighter Aces: The Jagflieger and Their Combat Tactics and Techniques
by Mike Spick

Techniques used by the German aces during the war.  Includes interviews with the aces describing their manoeuvres as well as diagrams of the manoeuvres.  Interesting as well as informative.

A great prelude to reading Robert Shaw's ACM tactics book.




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Allied Fighter Aces

[IMG]  Hardcover $24.97

Allied Fighter Aces: The Air Combat Tactics and Techniques of World War II
by Mike Spick

Techniques used by the allied aces during the war.  Includes interviews with the aces describing their manoeuvres as well as diagrams of the manoeuvres.  Interesting as well as informative.

A great prelude to reading Robert Shaw's ACM tactics book.




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Modern Fighter Aircraft Technology and Tactics

[IMG]  Hardcover $16.55

Modern Fighter Aircraft Technology and Tactics : Into Combat With Today's Fighter Pilots
by Anthony Thornborough

This book introduces modern fighter systems, operations, tactics and technologies behind those hardware. The author describes from the pre-flight preparation, pre-flight procedure, equipment of a fighter and how those systems work. Then it moves on to weapons, tactics, including missiles, radar, AWACS. It also explains the development of modern system and pros and cons of current hardware.








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Fighter: The True Story of the Battle of Britain
[IMG]  Hardcover $5.99

Fighter: The True Story of the Battle of Britain
by Len Deighton

I can't say enough good things about this book.  Well written, fast paced, and covers everything about the battle in an interesting style.  Technical details of radar, tactics, planes are scattered around in small doses throughout a recount of the hectic days of the battle.  Includes a lot of great photos as well.
261 pages

The Classics

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Baa Baa Black Sheep
[IMG]  Paperback $7.99

Baa Baa Black Sheep
by Pappy Boyington

Those who enjoy autobiographies of famed soldiers, but are tired of reading the usual story of success through obedience, optimism and respect, will find a very different tale in this book. Readers will learn of the personal turmoil and the unconventional methods of one of America's greatest fighter aces: defiant World War Two Marine Corps pilot Colonel Gregory Boyington.

Eric Hammel's  "American Aces Speak" Series

Each book in this excellent series is composed of many short chapters.  Each chapter is a riveting true story of aerial combat told by the actual fighter aces who were there.  Incredibly exciting read, and the stories even have some interesting tactics for you to try out on your favourite W.W.II sim.  Get these books and you won't be able to put them down!!


Aces Against Japan
Aces Against Japan
[IMG]  Softcover $0.62

Aces Against Japan
by Eric Hammel

First hand accounts of air combat in the Pacific. Includes many details of the tactics, teamwork and techniques used at the time against the Japanese Zeroes, Vals and Kates.   Stories include bomber cover missions, airbase strafing and CAP missions.

What do you do when you have a Zero come screaming out of the clouds at you head on, upside down with guns blazing?

Read the book and find out!




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Aces Against Japan Vol. II

[IMG]  Hardcover $20.00

Aces Against Japan Vol. II
by Eric Hammel

- reader review -
You'll want to listen when the American Aces Speak!!!
This, the third entry in Eric Hammel's "The American Aces Speak" series places the reader squarely in the cockpits of various US Army, Navy and Marine fighters. The action is explosive and the anecdotes carefully selected to provide one of the most exhilarating literary rides I've had the pleasure of experiencing! Against the claustrophobic world of the cockpit, Hammel masterfully weaves a chronological tapestry giving the reader a sense of orientation amidst the burst of cannon, machine gun and exploding debris!! Not to be missed! Highly Recommended!!




Aces at War
Aces at War
[IMG]  Hardcover $26.42
Aces at War
by Eric Hammel

- reader review -
Hammel continues his saga of fighter pilots
Once again, Hammel has found the right mix of in-the-cockpit action and background data. His writing is concise and to the point, but that just makes it easy to read and enjoy. For the armchair fighter pilot, Hammel's four books on aces are an investment not to miss.




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