Tailslide's Air Combat Site



MS Combat Flight Simulator 3 Downloads


"Battle of Britain" addons for CFS III: (missions and planes) All is very nicely made and hence - recommended. Take a look! (But be sure to download and install all the necessary files)
B-26 Marauder For FS2002/2004: FlightSim has just released an excellent version of the infamous "Widowmaker" from WW2. It's freeware!
BF109E Skins for CFS3 CFS III: If you're flying or interested in the BF109E, SimViation has 7 new skins for the early BoB, etc. versions. They're good! And free.
CFS 3 Previews/Screenshots Cool Release dates will be 31st October in the US, 14th November in Europe.
CFS Downloads CFS1/CFS2/CFS3: Patches, new aircraft, repaints, campaigns
Messerschmitt BF-110 G2 for CFS3 Cool Messerschmitt BF-110 G2 in 5 various versions released! These planes look great and fly great. And they're free.
New (English) patch released. Combat Flight Sim III New (English) patch released.
Operation Marketgarden Cool CFS III: New missions, the newest one (in a series) is "Operation Marketgarden".
Software Development Kit Fs2004: SDK's will be released in the weeks to come. This will enable us to modify or create aircraft, sceneries etc., with little programming experience.




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