Tailslide's Air Combat Site



Tailslide's WWII  Combat Tips  


Please email me if you want to contribute an article on combat in WW II sims.

Tactics Table What tactics you should use when fighting against different plane types.
Vox Doctrine Sandman's Vox Doctrine for Radio Calls
Split-S attack What to do when you are chasing a better turning plane that pulls a Split-S  (loop under) in front of you. Complete with FA films.
Team Bomber Intercepts Intercepting bombers, commanding wingmen
(European Air War - applies to others)
Ground Attacks -Strafing Strafing ground targets
(Fighter Ace - applies to others)
Flaps Speeds for FA Realistic Table with flap speeds for different aircraft..
(Fighter Ace)
Timed Rocket Attacks Learn how to attack bomber formations with timed rockets.
(Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator)
Rolling Scissors Learn how to fly the Rolling Scissors in combat.
P51 Strategies Tactics for fighting in a P51 Mustang.
Boelcka's Dicta A set of guidelines created by German WW I ace Oswald Boelcke.  Applies very nicely to all types of air combat.
Turn Rates and Corner Speed Article & stats on turning rates and corner speed.
(Fighter Ace)


WW II  Tactics  Links

Bomber Defense: The Corkscrew COOL ! How to defend against fighters when you are not flying in a large formation.
More Bomber Tactics Bombing tactics
Kopper's Bombing Tutorial
(Fighter Squadron:SDOE, click on WW2 Flight Sims)
How to bomb using the fixed sight present in SDOE.
Energy Management I
Energy Management II
Combatsim's Energy Management Articles
Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-InCOOL ! Very cool training films from military archives.
_57_Rebel COOL ! A fellow member of the 57th squad, visit Rebel's page for tips on the multiplayer internet game Fighter Ace.













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Aug 15., 1998
This page updated 17/03/04

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