Tactics Table |
What tactics you should use when fighting against different
plane types. |
Doctrine |
Sandman's Vox Doctrine for Radio Calls |
Split-S attack |
What to do when you are chasing a better turning plane that pulls a
Split-S (loop under) in front of you. Complete with FA films. |
Team Bomber Intercepts |
Intercepting bombers, commanding wingmen
(European Air War - applies to others) |
Ground Attacks -Strafing |
Strafing ground targets
(Fighter Ace - applies to others) |
Flaps Speeds for FA Realistic |
Table with flap speeds for different aircraft..
(Fighter Ace) |
Timed Rocket Attacks |
Learn how to attack bomber formations with timed rockets.
(Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator) |
Rolling Scissors |
Learn how to fly the Rolling Scissors in combat. |
P51 Strategies |
Tactics for fighting in a P51 Mustang. |
Boelcka's Dicta |
A set of guidelines created by German WW I ace Oswald Boelcke.
Applies very nicely to all types of air combat. |
Turn Rates and Corner Speed |
Article & stats on turning rates and corner speed.
(Fighter Ace) |