Tailslide's Air Combat Site



Joystick Configuration Files


Crankshaft's TM Config for Aces High  2 Kb

Summary:  For a TM FLCS/TQS/RCS setup using the Stick works Digital chip upgrade. They use the .f22, .m22 (if macro is used) file extensions, and can be used with an F22/TQS/RCS


Crankshaft's TM Config for CFS2  2 Kb

Summary:  For a TM FLCS/TQS/RCS setup using the Stick works Digital chip upgrade. They use the .f22, .m22 (if macro is used) file extensions, and can be used with an F22/TQS/RCS


Crankshaft's TM Config for SDOE  2 Kb

Summary:  For a TM FLCS/TQS/RCS setup using the Stick works Digital chip upgrade. They use the .f22, .m22 (if macro is used) file extensions, and can be used with an F22/TQS/RCS


Tailslide's WCS 2 Config for Fighter Ace  3 Kb

Summary:  This configuration is for arcade mode, but has been commented for realistic.  All functions have been put into the mdf, so you will have an easy time changing things around.


Tailslide's MS Pre Pro USB Config for SDOE  5 Kb

Summary:  This is a replacement keyboard.inp file for SDOE since the Microsoft profiler software is not compatible with my version of windows. Install this by unzipping to your fighter squadron directory.


Tailslide's MS Pre Pro USB Config for Aces High  2 Kb

Summary:  This file is a set of keyboard map files that must be extracted to your aces high\settings directory.

FILE Fairlane65_Mskt's Sidewinder Precision Pro USB Profile for Fighter Ace  0.6 Kb

Summary: For New Sidewinder Profile Activator version 3.02. ONLY. Can be used in Realistic and Arcade using switch button.




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